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Book Review: Scrum Insights for Practitioners

Scrum Insights for Practitioners describes Scrum with simple sentences which helps you to understand Scrum and its concepts deeply.

Scrum Insights for Practitioners


Our mission is empowering Scrum players. One way is writing and publishing book reviews. These reviews can help interested people to choose better books and consume their time on valuable ones.

Today I want to write a review on “Scrum Insights for Practitioners” book by MR. Hiren Doshi. As I already mentioned in “Scrum A Pocket Guide” book review, when you read the Scrum Guide, you feel that you need other complementary sources to get a better understanding of the Scrum.

Scrum Insights for Practitioners” is the best one that I recommend to all new Scrum players especially all exams candidates and all students who participate in my Scrum courses. I already posted a guideline for PSM I exam candidates called “Preparation guide for the PSM I exam” and mentioned these candidates should read this book to get ready for the exam.

This book describes Scrum with simple sentences which helps you to understand Scrum and its concepts deeply. For example, when you read the “Self-Organization” chapter, it shows and clears all related aspects of this concept in a perfect way. So, I absolutely recommend this book. I believe we should say thanks to MR. Hiren Doshi for creating this brilliant source.

You can contact MR. Doshi through this link:

You can find  “Scrum Insights for Practitioners” book here on Amazon.

If you want to pass the exams, you can find our empowering Scrum exams candidates products here.

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Book Review: Scrum A Pocket Guide

Scrum A Pocket Guide is a brilliant book which brings and clears fundamental meanings behind the Scrum concepts for all Scrum practitioners.

Why writing a book review?

I am a big fan of reading. I admit that every day I read a book of Agile and Scrum profession. Recently, I have found that sharing my review about each book can make value for all interested people. So, I decided to start sharing my first review on my guru’s book i.e. MR. Gunther Verheyen. His book name is “Scrum A Smart Travel Companion – A Pocker Guide”. He continuously helps me in Scrum journey and lightens the road. I am really proud of having him in my life.

Now the book review:

I read this book twice during the two last years. When you read the Scrum Guide, you feel that you need another source to complement your Scrum understanding. This book is the most brilliant one. You find an extensive and deep explanation for each Scrum concept that can fill your mind gaps as a new Scrum practitioner or as a high-level player. I remember I read this book in 2017 for the first time when I was a little bit new with Scrum. But I read it again in 2019 when I was preparing myself for the PSM III exam, the hardest exam in the Scrum context all over the world. From this position and point of view, I found it brings a distinguished knowledge which supports you for such a hard exam. I really like its “Scrum” and ” tactics for a purpose” chapters which clear the fundamental meanings behind many concepts of the Scrum.
So, I should say my special thanks to MR. Gunther Verheyen for his great book and we should be so faithful because we have him with us.
You can find Gunther’s articles on his website in this link: