Making a good relationship with the Team and organization and observing the Team’s dynamics would be the first steps when a Scrum Master join a company.
At first, she should try to know her teammates one by one. She should share with them her backgrounds, biography, thoughts, and life. Also listens to their backgrounds, biography, thoughts, and life to establish a trust foundation. Also, she should make a relationship with other Scrum Masters in the organization. Asks them about their policies for promoting and adopting Scrum over the organization.
Then she should try to know more about the product, its vision, roadmaps, its customers, stakeholders and technologies that are used in the development process. Furthermore, she should check the CI/CD implementation’s status. How the Team uses the DoD concept and how they live with Scrum Values. Also, she should attend to the all Scrum events as an eager observer to understand status-quo and know these ceremonies’ performance level.
On the other hand, she should work with the Product Owner to know how effective (s)he manages the Product Backlog. Also how (s)he collaborates with customers and stakeholders.
Totally, making a good relationship with the Team and organization and observing the Team’s dynamics would be the main focus. This blending prepares the Scrum Master to start serving the Team to live with the Scrum more effective.
Why Scrum could be a successful way to create high-quality software?